We should always have events to look forward to. My gramma (my Dad's mom) always says this. It's one of my favorite statements. Whether it's looking forward to a walk or coffee with a friend, or looking forward to a simcha, it's so true, you should always have events to look forward to.
My gramma knows how to look forward to events big and small. A woman after my own heart, she loves a warm gooey slice of chocolate cake. Every week she plays a few games of bridge with her friends. And, she's an avid reader. I look forward to our talks about the books she's reading when I call her on my way home from work.
Speaking of events to look forward to....ironically, we had a meeting at the synagogue last Monday. Two days after Andrew's big day. What was the meeting? It was none other than the parent's meeting for Jordan's Bar Mitzvah -- March 2015. If all goes as we expect, his Torah portion will be focused on the Jewish holiday, Purim. Which would be very fun.
Thankfully, Andrew has paved the way for planning. Hopefully, I'll make fewer mistakes -- maybe the invites will get out a little earlier. And, I'll be able to relax a little more -- the initial shock of having a kid old enough to be a Bar Mitzvah will be less. I doubt this though since this is my baby!
Before I move on to the next simcha, I just have to share a few reflections on this one.
I'm so proud...
I got the most amazing glimpse of what Andrew will be like as an adult. He not only delivered his Torah portion and Dvar Torah with maturity, but he worked the room afterwards with ease.
I'm so proud...
Andrew was aware and appreciative of all those who came from near and far to be part of his simcha. As the RSVP's came in, he was as much in awe as we were by the wonderful response.
I'm so proud...
As Andrew opened each of his presents, he didn't rip through to find out what was inside, he read each card all the way through.
I'm so proud...
To say Andrew's my kid. I think he's pretty great, and I'm so proud of the man he's becoming.
Now, hopefully he feels sufficiently ready to navigate the teen years. And hopefully, Danny and I feel prepared as well.
Now we're back to the routine...baseball, basketball, piano, dance. As one author wrote, "Today I'm a Bar Mitzvah, Tomorrow I return to 7th Grade".
I've really enjoyed capturing this 100-day journey online, and I'm so happy to have connected with so many of our family and friends along the way. What started as a scrapbook has become a reflective therapy session! While this is my last post for this event, don't be surprised if 100 days before Jordan's big day you hear from me again. Sharing the weekend, and the days leading up has been wonderful and hearing from all of you along the way has been the most wonderful gift!
Looking forward to seeing you all again in March 2015! Watch for the Save the Date (in a few years!)
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