Dear 23-year-old Andrew;
As I write this, your Bar Mitzvah is just three short weeks away. Friends and family are sending back their RSVPs, and we are sitting back and taking a breather before the next round of planning and preparing ramp up.
For the 100 days leading up to your milestone mitzvah, I've been writing a series of stories and reflections. But, I think it would also be fun to consider and predict what the next 12 may be like.
...I imagine you and your father still steal every free minute to talk sports, watch sports, and play sports
...I imagine you and Jordan will continue to giggle, tease, hang with the neighbor kids and take care of each other
...I imagine that similar to the last 12 years, Josh Levitt will continue to be a forever friend that will be important to you for the next many years.
...I imagine you might have a few crushes and a few heart aches
...I imagine you'll ace a few tests, and struggle through a few others
...I imagine that basketball, baseball, Herzl camp, and school plays will continue to mark the rites of the seasons
...I cautiously imagine you getting your driver's license
...I hesitantly imagine you thinking about where you will ultimately go to college...possibly Duke? possibly Syracuse?
...I find myself trying not to imagine what it would be like when you graduate from high school and make that leap to leave for college
I can, and I can't wait to see how these next 12 years unfold. I can and I can't imagine what it will be like. What I do know for certain is that your Dad and I could not be more proud...for more reasons than you would ever imagine!
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